Are Pediatric Emergency Rooms Ready For Your Emergency?

If you are a parent, grandparent, mom, step-mom, or sibling, you know what a Pediatric Emergency room is. You may have even been in one recently. I am going to share a true story about what happened when these parents took their prematurely born daughter to the pediatrician and hospital emergency room. The following story was written by the parents.

Our daughter Rebecca was born four weeks early on July 13, 2006. We loved her from the moment of birth and savored every hour with her. She was released from the NICU five days later, supposedly as a healthy baby girl. The next day, Rebecca was severely congested with thick mucus, continuing her slow feedings, and had difficulty breathing. We took her to the pediatrician and the hospital emergency room during each of the following days we had her. Doctors diagnosed her symptoms as a common cold, and she was repeatedly sent home. Unfortunately, Rebecca passed away on the morning of July 21. We later found out that she had contracted an enteroviral infection that can be lifethreatening in babies. Had her symptoms been treated, she may still be here today. As a result of this tragedy with Rebecca, we created the R Baby Foundation. This charity is dedicated to helping newborn babies, primarily those less than a month old suffering from viral infections and other infectious diseases, receive the highest quality of care and service through supporting education, research, training and life-saving equipment.

This story was taken from The R Baby Foundation website. The parents that wrote this story are Phyllis & Andrew Rabinowitz. You can read more about their story here. Their goal is to save as my babies’ lives as possible.

In order to reach as many people as possible, the R Baby Foundation enlisted a very influential list of parent bloggers. I was beyond thrilled and honored to be invited to participate in this initiative. I am happy to support this organization and will attend the 5 Star Gala honoring the amazing Julia Beck in NYC next week.

With a passion and gift of exceptional reach, we all participated in an #rbabyfoundation twitter party. In one hour, we reached almost 10 million impressions and was a topic trending in NYC! The reach was tremendous and the conversations inspirational, emotional, and most importantly, hopeful.

You can help R Baby Foundation accomplish their goal of improving Pediatric Emergency centers around the world. I have included some links below.

Please sign our petition to improve pediatric emergency care

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